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Web Developer / Automation Tester / Gamer


Intro :-

Through my studies, I'm currently gaining an understanding of computer science and web development concepts and will be dedicating a lot of my free time to
apply these concepts to real-world scenarios and applications. I also Love to customize(rice) Linux which i've included in my Repo's.

Below are the Languages/tools im currently working with and also learning simultaneously for implementation in
future projects.

 Bash scripting

Projects :-

All of my projects are listed in my Github page, though they are not much, you can click on the below button to get redirected.



about me :-

Hi, I'm Shiv, a 22-year old technical enthusiast from Bangalore who is learning web development, I have a passion for technology and the positive impact it creates in business transformation and technology improvement. Love to contribute open-source projects and make cool products.

When i'm not forking(stealing) a project or thinking about programming, I'm most likely watching Anime, Gaming, Ricing Linux or spending time with family and friends.

Oh i also use Arch BTW :D

skills :-

"Jack of all trades, master of none"


contact me :-